- Culinary: Fenugreek seeds are used whole or ground in Indian, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean cuisines. They are commonly added to spice blends like garam masala, pickles, curries, and lentil dishes. Soaking or roasting enhances their flavor.
- Condiments: Often used in making spice blends, chutneys, and flavored oils. Fenugreek is a key ingredient in many Indian spice mixes and artificial maple syrup.
- Medicinal: Traditional medicine values fenugreek for its benefits in digestion, blood sugar regulation, and lactation support. It is also used as a herbal remedy for skin and hair health.
Fenugreek is native to the Mediterranean region, South Asia, and North Africa. It is extensively cultivated in India, Egypt, and Morocco for both culinary and medicinal uses.
Health Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds:
- Digestive Health: Helps in relieving indigestion, bloating, and constipation.
- Blood Sugar Control: Fenugreek seeds may help regulate blood sugar levels, making them beneficial for diabetics.
- Lactation Support: Traditionally used to enhance milk production in nursing mothers.
- Anti-Inflammatory: Contains compounds that may help reduce inflammation in the body.
- Heart Health: May support cholesterol management and cardiovascular health.
Indian Name of Fenugreek Seeds:
- Hindi: मेथी के बीज (Methi ke Beej)
- Tamil: வெந்தயம் விதைகள் (Vendhayam Vidhaigal)
- Telugu: మెంతులు (Mentulu)
- Kannada: ಮೆಂತ್ಯ ಬೀಜಗಳು (Mentya Beejagalu)
- Malayalam: ഉലുവ (Uluva)
- Bengali: মেথি (Methi)
- Gujarati: મેથી (Methi)
- Marathi: मेथी बीज (Methi Beej)
- Odia: ମେଥୀ (Methi)
Foreign Name of Fenugreek Seeds:
- French: graines de fenugrec
- German: Bockshornkleesamen
- Italian: semi di fieno greco
- Spanish: semillas de fenogreco
- Portuguese: sementes de feno-grego
- Dutch: fenegriekzaad
- Russian: семена пажитника (semena pazhitnika)
- Arabic: بذور الحلبة (bizur al-halba)
- Turkish: çörek otu tohumları